Hi, I’m Liz. I’m a big proponent of belly laughs, messy hair, intimate moments + real love. I capture the little moments that are found in the in-between. ♥

Here’s a cute picture of my whole world! That’s me holding the precious and sleepy toddler.
Photo Cred: Ethan Lockwood

Welcome to my tiny little corner of the internet!

♥ First of all, thank you so much for finding your way here. Whether you’ve been recommended by a friend, followed my journey on social media, or stumbled upon the site from a Google search that turned up literally hundreds of other photographers, it’s flattering that you liked my work enough to visit. I’m so grateful for the chance to connect with you!

If my mom was writing this, she’d probably say that I’ve always been an artist who does things her own way, in her own style, on her own time, and has her own unique world view. Remember those disposable cameras we all used and abused in the 90’s? As a child, I LIVED FOR THEM. There was no greater rush than dropping off my film and finally getting the call to come pick up my pictures a few days later! When I was 10, I opened my first photography business in the garage at my house -- I’ll spare you the awesome images, but it involved posing my 8 year old sister with broomsticks, covering her with Christmas garland, and dressing her in polka dots. IT WAS A LOOK, and before I knew it, I had successfully convinced all my neighborhood friends to allow me to take their portraits as well. I’ve come a lonnnng way from those glory days, but still - preserving moments and aiming to capture precious memories in time makes me feel alive.

My days are spent wrangling our children, singing at the top of my lungs, and photographing beautiful people like yourself! Sometimes, I have no idea how I got where I am… but you know what? I love it and I am blessed beyond measure.

I am honored and humbled that some of my work has been published, featured, or shared by:

Sac Brides
Vacaville Magazine
Natural Mother Magazine
IndieBlush Magazine
Humans of New York
Mariette Market
Matilda Jane Clothing
Our Kids
The Makeover Marathon, 2015
Living Hope Church
Kaiser Permanente
Tylertown Church
Dance Magazine
Dixon Dance Studio
Walk Off The Earth
East View Records
Eco Chic

♥ "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me'." -- Erma Bombeck